Round meditation mat
Round meditation mat
Round meditation mat
Round meditation mat
Round meditation mat
Round meditation mat
Round meditation mat
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Load image into Gallery viewer, Round meditation mat
Load image into Gallery viewer, Round meditation mat
Load image into Gallery viewer, Round meditation mat
Load image into Gallery viewer, Round meditation mat
Load image into Gallery viewer, Round meditation mat
Load image into Gallery viewer, Round meditation mat

Round meditation mat

Regular price €13,95

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only 10000 left in stock

Material: suede + natural rubber

Zafus (round pillows) and zabuton (flat floor cushions) are used in Zen practice to support the meditator’s buttocks and knees and to elevate the hips.

Each zafu is slightly larger than the user’s hips and should be placed between the knees with the knees slightly open.

It is thick enough to make you comfortable. Sitting on a zafu helps a meditator to sit in the correct posture. The zafu helps in keeping the spine straight and letting the body feel comfortable.


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